Imagine the phone ringing at 3AM jolting you out of a sound sleep. The voice on the other end of the phone is your adult child saying “Mom, it’s me. I need your help. I’m in jail.” Imagine that this is not the first time you’ve been called. Your heart is broken... How desperate you feel!
For one young man’s mother, this was not something she needed to imagine because it was a real living nightmare. Her child that she loved with all her heart was in bad shape. His life revolved around drugs, alcohol, bad choices, bad influences, drunk driving and jail. This caring mother was trying to help her son maneuver through the legal system and the demands of the Department of Social Services. After many phone calls and court appearances this mother realized the sad truth. The mainstream methods used to deal with addicts were not going to help her son return to being the loving member of her family that she was missing.
When the mother reached out to me she was very despondent over her son’s situation. His addictions were having a negative impact on every aspect of his life. She was at her wits' end and desperate for help. Being incarcerated made it difficult for her son to have contact with anyone outside of his legal team so I relied on the mother’s guidance to conduct Body Code healing sessions for him. With her input we released energetic imbalances for this young man. Using The Body Code we identified and released Heart-Wall emotions, addictive heart energy, inherited energies, curses and toxins. We released energies to help him maneuver through the legal system, energies to help him break his addictions, and energies to encourage a loving, supportive relationship between himself and his mother.
As we worked he began to make progress. It became easier for him to work through his difficulties within the system. The courts were reacting more favorably to his petitions. The Social Services Department identified him as a good candidate for rehabilitation. Good news came when he was released from jail early and was sent to a residential home for men in early recovery from addiction. This young man was on the road to recovery! He got a job, rekindled his relationship with his family, and completely changed his attitude. No more drugs and no more hanging around bad influences. He's become much happier and doesn't get upset about little things that go wrong anymore. His family is very grateful for the changes in his life.
Releasing energetic imbalances with The Body Code helped create a shift in his favor. It made real change possible. There was a lot of hard work necessary to break his addictions and he was able to do it. By getting rid of his excess baggage, this young man was able to turn his life around. His mother’s terrible nightmare of having a child engulfed in addiction has finally ended!
Are you dealing with an addiction? Do you have a loved one that is immersed in this type of nightmare? Maybe The Body Code is the answer you have been looking for. Working with a certified practitioner might help you find some light, some hope. It might help to save the life of someone that you dearly love.
~ Renee Murphy, CECP, CBCP
Renee Murphy has been a certified Emotion Code Practitioner since April, 2009; and a Certified Body Code Practitioner since December, 2010. Renee promotes, “total wellness though balanced living."
The struggle of daily life — pressures from work or school, concerns about family, illness (be it yours or a loved one’s, even your pet’s), all can lead to a life thrown out of balance, a life that leaves you wanting more. Feeling unhappy with some aspect of our lives is the number one challenge we all face. There is no challenge to big or too small to be a hindrance to you and your life. Renée enjoys helping people who are having challenges in their lives overcome their obstacles.
Renée believes that total wellness depends on finding joy in having a healthy body, a healthy mind, having healthy relationships with your family, and a healthy position in society. Being healthy means being able to accomplish everything you want to do in life. Living a life of have rather than have not.
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