How are you going? How are you
feeling? Does anything feel different? Have you started noticing
anything new lately that you didn’t notice before?
I look, people are reporting similar sensations of an energetic
“shift”. Improved intuition, positive thought patterns and
manifestation, to name a few, are all coming more naturally. Every day
we learn something new and our consciousness is expanding accordingly.
And it feels liberating in so many ways!
Here are 5 signs that things are changing. Do they sound familiar?
5 Signs Things are Changing
Don’t I Know You?
more and more people I meet seem familiar to me. It’s like we have met
before – but it’s impossible. Or is it? Perhaps I have met them outside
this reality and my greater awareness allows me to take note of it. Or
maybe, through the same spiritual awareness I can see that we are all
connected and that brings about the feelings of “knowing” someone. Or
perhaps it’s something else. I’m not sure but I do know the feeling is
Attitude of Gratitude
through positive thought and gratitude, I am experiencing an increase
in positive experiences entering my journey. Not a day goes by that I am
not grateful for something.Sometimes it’s minor, sometimes more. In any
case, every time I notice something positive I feel immediately
Showing gratitude is a
simple matter of acknowledging the “something positive” and consciously
being thankful for its inclusion in your life. This promotes even more
positive experience in itself.
Gravity Shift
have noticed that individuals I’ve only just met seem to gravitate
toward me. It could be the “light” in my eyes or my positive
disposition. I’m not sure. But again, it is unmistakable. I do feel a
distinct lack of worrying about what others think about me, and a
greater amount of confidence when dealing with new people – which could
be assisting in the likability stakes.
I have noticed in myself a distinct lack of focus on others.
Previously, I have been guilty of unknowingly glaring at people – trying
to “work them out”. Recently, I am told that my glare has disappeared.
Sensing that we are all energetically connected, I don’t feel the need
to “work people out” anymore. It is just not important.
Energy Conscious
have noticed an increase in my awareness of the energy surrounding me. I
used to think that the term ‘energy’ related solely to how much
physical stamina I had. I now know differently.
be aware of energy is to encourage it – to actively engage with it – to
allow it to manifest in your world. Meditation I believe is the key to
acknowledging these energies and really feeling their presence. What you
do with it from there is up to you!
Abundance Mindset
are conditioned by our society from a very early age to believe that,
in order to live, we need money. And to gain money, we have to work. We
endebt ourselves for a lifetime for the basic necessity of a ‘home’. To
do anything else, we are told, is to be unsuccessful.
now it seems that gaining the abundance we want in our life is as
simple as allowing the energy of abundance into our life. With my newly
found energy awareness, I am allowing abundance to flow more freely.
How are you feeling? Does anything feel different to you? Why not share your thoughts in the comments section below?
Peace and love,Trev
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