One of the things that Western medicine practice has unfortunately widely ignored is the connection between your body and your mind, spirit, and emotions. Human beings often experience connections between the physical and emotional, but a lot of us just aren’t paying attention. Start your journey to true holistic health by watching for these signs.
1. Pain In Your Head
Pain in your head, like headaches, can be caused by stresses of the day. Take some time to relax and ease the stress every day
2. Pain In Your Neck
If you feel pain in your neck, you may have trouble forgiving others or yourself. If you’re feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about people.
3. Pain In Your Shoulders
Shoulder pain may indicate that you’re carrying a heavy emotional burden. That’s where the saying “shouldering a problem” comes from. Focus in on some proactive problem solving and distributing some of that burden to other people in your life
4. Pain In Your Upper Back
Upper back pain means you don’t have enough emotional support. You may feel unloved and unwanted. If you’re single, this may mean it’s time to go out on a date or two.
5. Pain In Your Lower Back
6. Pain In Your Elbows
Elbow pain speaks to your resistance to change in your life. If you have stiff arms, you may have a stiff life as well. Make compromises and shake things up a little bit.
7. Pain In Your Hands
Hand pain means you may not be reaching out to others in the way you should be. Consider making new friends, having lunch with a co-worker, and making a new connection.
8. Pain In Your Hips
Hip pain means you’re too scared of moving. Sore hips could indicate that you’re resistant to moving on and changing. You might be too cautious when making decisions.
9. Pain In The Knees
Knee pain can be a sign that your ego is a little too big and that you’re thinking of yourself a little too highly. Humble yourself. Spend some time volunteering. Remember, you’re mortal.
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